
Netflix’s Robin Robin: Embrace your differences!

Welcome to our second review of our short animated movies review series. We were really happy with the online reaction to our review of Pixar’s Loop! We loved the movie and we’re glad you did too. 

This week we’re reviewing, another beautiful movie that celebrates differences and the beauty and power of embracing yourself and what makes you unique. Let’s talk about Netflix’s Robin Robin!

Sneak like a mouse!

Robin Robin is a 30 minutes animated short directed by Dan Ojari and Michael Please and produced by Netflix. It tells the story of a bird’s egg that falls into the hands of a family of mice and their decision to raise the bird as one of their own. Robin, the bird,  grows up knowing she’s a bird but doing everything she can to fit in like a mouse. As mice, her family are excellent at sneaking into people’s houses to steal crumbs of food. But being a bird, Robin is a terrible sneak and this leads her to believe she’s also a terrible mouse and will never fit in with her family. She decides that the only way she’ll fit in is if she changes into a mouse.

Fly like a bird!

As the story progresses, Robin learns that even though she cannot do what her mice family can do, she is special in her own way. She learns that her ability to fly and draw attention to herself, which caused her hardships whenever she tried to sneak, is actually helpful and can be used to help her family in ways she never imagined before.

What will Robin Robin teach your child?

Robin Robin will teach your child to embrace their differences and see strengths where they might have previously seen weaknesses. After you watch the movie with your child, you can discuss with them what they think their special abilities are and why fitting in isn’t always the best option for everyone. 

Embracing our differences doesn’t always come easily, because as humans we want to feel like we’re always part of the collective and being different might make us feel odd or make others treat us differently. For that reason, as parents, you need to always remind your child that their differences are what makes them special. If we all looked and acted the same, the world would be a very boring place.

You can stream Robin Robin on Netflix.

And you can check our review of Pixar’s Loop, here.